Call to Action

More Kansans need help paying for abortions, but aid groups are getting fewer donations

"More than a year after abortion became illegal in many parts of the U.S., the nonprofit that helps Kansans pay for abortions says demand for financial assistance continues to grow. The Kansas Abortion Fund works directly with clinics that provide abortions, which refer patients who need help paying for medications and surgical procedures that can stretch into the thousands of dollars. In 2022, the fund doled out $111,473 to 431 Kansas residents to help cover the costs of abortions at clinics in and out of the state. Eleven months into 2023, the group has more than doubled both the amount…
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Keep legal gender recognition legal in Slovakia

Demand the Slovak government refuse the bill to make legal gender recognition impossible "Transgender people have been able to access legal gender recognition in Slovakia for more than 40 years. The Slovak parliament is now proposing to change the legislation and make gender recognition impossible. They will vote on it in May 2023."
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