Family planning

Trump uses executive power to reinstate anti-abortion pacts

“President Donald Trump on Friday used his executive authority to restore U.S. participation in two international anti-abortion pacts, including one that cuts off U.S. family planning funds for foreign organizations if they provide or promote abortions. Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which opponents call the "global gag rule" because they say it silences abortion advocates. Established by former President Ronald Reagan in 1984, it has been rescinded by each Democratic president since then and reinstated when a Republican returns to the White House….”
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‘Fleeing under the cover of darkness’: How Idaho’s abortion ban is changing pregnancy in the state

Jen and John Adkins never expected to have to send a package like this. Unsteady on her feet after a medical procedure last spring, Jen emerged from a clinic with a box she needed to ship urgently. The clock was ticking; if they missed the FedEx cutoff, she and John recalled to CNN, they wouldn’t be able to get crucial test results that would affect the future of their family.
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