Opinion: Supreme Court’s blow to federal agencies’ power will likely weaken abortion rights

The Supreme Court wrapped up its term at the beginning of July 2024 with a range of rulings that reshape everything from the power of the presidency to how federal agencies carry out their work.

One of the court’s most significant decisions was Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.
This ruling, at its core, determines the balance of power between the judiciary branch’s federal courts and the executive branch’s federal agencies.

When Congress passes laws, legislators know that many will have gaps and ambiguities. It is generally the job of federal agencies – staffed with subject-matter experts – to issue regulations to fill in that detail.

Before the Supreme Court’s July ruling, courts deferred to those agency decisions. Now, in a reversal of 40 years of precedent, courts, not agencies, will have the last word on interpreting federal law.

By Alan
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