Year: 2025

Researcher warns about Christian nationalism’s influence on reproductive rights

There are growing concerns about the prevalence of Christian Nationalism, an ideology that seeks to establish a theocracy rooted in Christian principles. Research indicates that about one-in-three Pennsylvanians support Christian Nationalist views, which opponents argue challenge the American ideal of separation of church and state.
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Washington pharmacists prescribe abortion pills through new pilot program

"A Washington state-based nonprofit has launched a program training pharmacists to prescribe abortion medications via telehealth, a model that organizers hope other states will adopt to expand abortion access. Abortion is broadly legal in Washington state up to the point of fetal viability, which is generally considered to be between 24 and 26 weeks of pregnancy. But Dr. Beth Rivin, president and CEO of nonprofit Uplift International, said there are still many individuals who face barriers to abortion access in Washington because of where they live, how much money they make and other factors. Those people can benefit most from…
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House speaker fight, battles over abortion rights and taxes loom as Missouri lawmakers return

"Republican factional fights are nothing new in the Missouri General Assembly.  But what is new this year is the venue — the House of Representatives, where a sophomore lawmaker accusing his colleagues of corrupt politics seeks to upset the usually routine election of a speaker. State Rep. Justin Sparks of Wildwood admits history is against him in his attempt to prevent state Rep. Jon Patterson of Lee’s Summit from becoming speaker. Patterson, who was majority leader in the previous General Assembly, was designated as the GOP candidate for speaker months ago....
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With lawsuits and legislation, Texas Republicans take aim at abortion pills

"Since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed states like Texas to ban nearly all abortions, the number of pregnancy terminations in the United States actually increased. This paradox, which pleases abortion advocates as much as it frustrates their conservative counterparts, hinges mostly on pills. An average of 2,800 Texans receive abortion-inducing medications through the mail each month from states that still allow abortion, according to #WeCount, a tracking project from the Society of Family Planning...."
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More Iranian women forced into illegal abortions

"Although Iranian authorities have widely restricted access to abortion in an attempt to reverse demographic decline, more women are going outside the law to end unwanted pregnancies. According to figures from the Iranian Ministry of Health reported by the Khabaronline news website in June 2024, over 600,000 illegal abortions are performed annually in Iran. Experts say poverty, joblessness, and lack of social security are contributing factors forcing women to undergo an abortion despite serious risks...."
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Quebec launches action plan to improve access to abortion, protect women’s right to choose

"Quebec has introduced its first-ever action plan aimed at improving access to abortion in the province and reaffirming women's right to choose, particularly in light of the setbacks to reproductive rights unfolding in the United States. Martine Biron, minister responsible for the status of women, announced the Plan d'action gouvernemental sur l'accès à l'avortement 2024-2027 on Monday, saying this plan responds to women's concerns about the protection of their rights...."
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Muslim Advocates Ramp Up the Fight for Reproductive Justice

Despite the importance, Munifasa’s experience navigating societal silence on reproductive health, including motherhood, is common. Many Muslim Americans struggle to find spaces for dialogue and to make informed decisions about their reproductive and sexual health — a need that the Muslim-led national organization Health, Education, Advocacy, Research and Training, or HEART, is working to fill with culturally resonant and honest information. As the country continues to wrestle over the legal landscape of reproductive rights, HEART hones in on nurturing reproductive justice by building safe environments for Muslims to have and raise children — or to make the informed decision not…
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Florida doctor faces $10,000 fine in abortion case

"After the state Department of Health called for revoking the doctor's license, the Florida Board of Medicine this week issued a final order imposing a $10,000 fine and reprimanding a physician who did not comply in 2022 with a law requiring 24-hour waiting periods before abortions can be performed. The order came after the board decided last month to approve penalties for physician Candace Sue Cooley that were less severe than what the Department of Health wanted...."
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