federal judge

Judge to rule whether Alabama can prosecute people who aid out-of-state abortions

“A federal judge is expected to soon decide whether Alabama can prosecute health care providers and advocates in the state who help pregnant patients get an abortion elsewhere.  Abortion has been almost entirely illegal in the ruby red state since its trigger law took effect following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022. It is one of the strictest bans in the country, with no exceptions for rape or incest…”
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Judge strikes down a North Carolina abortion restriction but upholds another

"A federal judge ruled Friday that a provision in North Carolina's abortion laws requiring doctors to document the location of a pregnancy before prescribing abortion pills should be blocked permanently, affirming that it was too vague to be enforced reasonably. The implementation of that requirement was already halted last year by U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles until a lawsuit challenging portions of the abortion law enacted by the Republican-dominated General Assembly in 2023 was litigated further. Eagles now says a permanent injunction would be issued at some point...."
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