
Abortions in Alaska can only be performed by doctors. Is that about to change?

"Only doctors can perform abortions in Alaska, according to a 50-year-old law. That means advanced practice clinicians, such as physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurse midwives can’t perform abortions in the state, even when they have the proper training. And non-physicians aren’t allowed to prescribe pills to induce abortion, either. Planned Parenthood’s Alaska chapter argues that this restriction limits access to abortion. So, the chapter filed a lawsuit against the state in 2018 to challenge the law.  Superior Court Judge Josie Garton heard arguments in the case the week of Nov. 13 in an Anchorage courtroom...."
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New Jersey wants to let midwives perform abortions to meet rising demand

"New Jersey is mulling over a plan to allow midwives to perform abortions to meet the rising demand for abortion care.  If successful, it would make New Jersey one of about ten states that allow certified midwives or nurse-midwives to perform abortions. Several states with stronger restrictions require the procedure to be performed by a physician, a policy that New Jersey did away with in 2021, according to the New Jersey Monitor.   The potential new rule, proposed by the state's Board of Medical Examiners, would allow midwives to perform surgical abortions through the 14th week of gestation, the Monitor reported...." 
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