
Supreme Court hears abortion arguments

The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday heard arguments in a case about whether minors must receive parental consent for an abortion. This case is revisiting a fraught legal question that Montana voters, lawmakers and residents have grappled with for more than a decade.
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Advocates propose amending Montana Constitution to guarantee abortion rights

 "If advocates are successful, Montana voters may have a chance next year to decide whether access to abortion should be specifically protected in the state constitution. A proposed constitutional amendment, backed by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana, would add language to the Montana Constitution, establishing “a right to make and carry out decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including the right to abortion.”..."
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Montana voters rejected an anti-abortion measure. State GOP lawmakers passed a similar bill anyway.

"In the months following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision that gave states the power to ban abortion, voters in a half-dozen states spoke on the issue — and, in every case, chose to uphold abortion rights or reject an attempt to restrict them. Most recently, Ohio voters on Tuesday rejected a Republican-led effort to make it more difficult to change that state’s constitution, which would have set a higher bar for an abortion rights ballot initiative this fall. But the will of the electorate didn’t stop Republican lawmakers in one state, Montana, from passing a version of the anti-abortion proposal that voters…
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