
Dominican Republic’s Senate Doubles Down on Abortion Ban in Criminal Code

"A deeply problematic bill for a new Criminal Code is now approaching final approval in the Dominican Republic's Senate. The bill, which the Senate approved on first review on June 26, maintains the country's complete ban on abortion. It also reduces penalties for sexual violence within marriage, classified as ‘non-consensual sexual activity,’ and continues to exclude sexual orientation from the list of characteristics protected from discrimination, thus failing to afford equal protection to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The Dominican Republic is one of only five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that maintains a total prohibition on abortion and imposes incarceration for women and…
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Brazilian women protest bill that would equate late abortions with homicide

"Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of São Paulo on Saturday as protests sweep across Brazil in opposition to a bill that would further criminalize abortions. If passed, the law would equate the termination of a pregnancy after 22 weeks with homicide. The bill, proposed by conservative lawmakers and heading for a vote in the lower house, would also apply in cases of rape. Critics say those who seek an abortion so late are mostly child rape victims, as their pregnancies tend to be detected later...."
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Arizona Republicans block another Democratic effort to repeal 1864 abortion ban

"...Arizona lawmakers had reconvened on Wednesday after a week's recess, with much attention was on the repeal bill and whether it would move forward. It's unclear how Democrats will next attempt to roll back the strict ban, though members in the state Senate have said they plan to act quickly to take up such efforts in their chamber later Wednesday...."
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Maryland abortion clinics could get money for security under bill in state Senate

"Abortion clinics in Maryland could pay for enhanced security and greater access through a grant program being considered by state lawmakers, who want to tap into millions of dollars that have sat unused by insurance carries as part of the federal Affordable Care Act. Supporters testified Wednesday that Maryland is seeing a rising demand on its abortion clinics, including from women from out of state, since the U.S. Supreme Court stuck down Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Security concerns, long an issue at clinics, also have been increasing, supporters of the bill told the Maryland Senate Finance Committee at a…
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Wisconsin GOP introduces bill to ban abortions after 14 weeks of pregnancy

"Republicans who control the Wisconsin Assembly introduced a bill Friday that would call for a binding statewide referendum on whether abortion should be banned after 14 weeks of pregnancy. The GOP has scheduled a public hearing on the bill for Monday afternoon at the state Capitol. Democratic Gov. Tony Evers is almost certain to veto the measure. However, the proposal could still galvanize the conservative base after Democrats parlayed anger over the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn its landmark 1972 Roe v. Wade ruling, which legalized abortion nationwide, into big election wins across the country...."
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Tusk pledges bill introducing “legal and safe abortion” in Poland

"Poland’s prime minister, Donald Tusk, has pledged that his centrist Civic Coalition (KO) political grouping will submit a bill to liberalise the abortion law. He admitted, however, that it remains uncertain if he can gather enough support from his more conservative coalition partners to pass the measure. “Civic Coalition will submit a bill that gives the right to safe abortion up to the 12th week [of pregnancy] with certain conditions,” said Tusk in an interview on Friday with Poland’s largest three television stations, TVP, Polsat and TVN...."
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New Hampshire Republicans propose ’15-day’ abortion ban

"Four Republican legislators in New Hampshire will introduce a bill that would ban abortion at “15 days" gestational age, according to a copy of the bill they prefiled. The bill, which is unlikely to pass, amounts to an outright abortion ban. Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the woman’s period; at 15 days gestational age, a fertilized egg — if it exists yet — has most likely not implanted in the uterine wall. Implantation is the point when pregnancy begins, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology...."
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Montana voters rejected an anti-abortion measure. State GOP lawmakers passed a similar bill anyway.

"In the months following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision that gave states the power to ban abortion, voters in a half-dozen states spoke on the issue — and, in every case, chose to uphold abortion rights or reject an attempt to restrict them. Most recently, Ohio voters on Tuesday rejected a Republican-led effort to make it more difficult to change that state’s constitution, which would have set a higher bar for an abortion rights ballot initiative this fall. But the will of the electorate didn’t stop Republican lawmakers in one state, Montana, from passing a version of the anti-abortion proposal that voters…
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Maine lawmakers are a single vote from approval of bill to allow later abortions

"The Maine House voted Tuesday night to enact a bill to expand access to abortions, putting the proposal one final vote away from going to the governor for her signature. The Senate, which supported the bill in an initial vote Tuesday, must cast a final vote on the legislation that’d give the state one of the least restrictive abortion laws in the country. The House vote, 73-69, capped an emotional day that included demonstrators against the bill holding signs, singing hymns and chanting “kill the bill!” in the State House hallways...."
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NY bill would shield abortion providers who send pills out-of-state

"The New York state legislature has passed a bill that would protect medical providers in the state who provide abortion pills to patients in states where the procedure is restricted. Under the bill, abortion providers in New York will be shielded from out-of-state attempts to pursue legal action. The bill states that officials in New York will refuse to cooperate with any outside litigation from states that have outlawed abortion. It adds that New York providers are protected as long as they're in compliance with state law...."
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Abortion care training is banned in some states. A new bill could help OB-GYNs get it

"Today, she and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the chair of the powerful Senate appropriations committee, are introducing the Reproductive Health Care Training Act. It establishes a grant program, to provide $25 million each year – for the next five years – to fund medical students who leave their states to learn abortion care, and programs that train them. It's especially important in states like Wisconsin that have near total bans on abortion...."
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