Partisan issue

‘Weird consequences’: Abortion rights measure could scramble Arizona election

“Progressives in Arizona are worried that the state’s abortion-rights ballot measure isn’t giving Democratic candidates the boost they desperately need in the final stretch of the 2024 election. Voters in the battleground suburbs of Phoenix and Tucson are increasingly telling canvassers and pollsters that they plan to vote to overturn the state’s 15-week abortion ban but also support former President Donald Trump, Senate candidate Kari Lake and other Republicans who have a history of opposing abortion rights….”
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‘There is no ban’: Republicans test-drive new abortion messaging

"The ad opens with the sound of a fetal heartbeat. “Most people believe that abortion at the moment of birth is wrong, far beyond any reasonable limit. Not Virginia Democrats,” a female narrator says, just before the sound of a baby cooing and crying. “They fought to make late-term abortions the rule, not the exception.” At the end of the ad, the heartbeat flatlines...."
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