Month: December 2023

New Hampshire Republicans propose ’15-day’ abortion ban

"Four Republican legislators in New Hampshire will introduce a bill that would ban abortion at “15 days" gestational age, according to a copy of the bill they prefiled. The bill, which is unlikely to pass, amounts to an outright abortion ban. Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the woman’s period; at 15 days gestational age, a fertilized egg — if it exists yet — has most likely not implanted in the uterine wall. Implantation is the point when pregnancy begins, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology...."
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More Kansans need help paying for abortions, but aid groups are getting fewer donations

"More than a year after abortion became illegal in many parts of the U.S., the nonprofit that helps Kansans pay for abortions says demand for financial assistance continues to grow. The Kansas Abortion Fund works directly with clinics that provide abortions, which refer patients who need help paying for medications and surgical procedures that can stretch into the thousands of dollars. In 2022, the fund doled out $111,473 to 431 Kansas residents to help cover the costs of abortions at clinics in and out of the state. Eleven months into 2023, the group has more than doubled both the amount…
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‘It was a wake-up call’: After Roe v. Wade, French lawmakers seek to enshrine abortion rights

When the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, French women were paying close attention. They watched with alarm as those across the Atlantic lost their long-standing right to abortion, seemingly overnight. What if France came next?
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