International Abortion News

Polish Parliament Rejects Bill Seeking to Ease Strict Abortion Law

Poland's lower house rejected a bill on Friday that sought to scrap penalties for people who help someone to get an abortion, highlighting deep divisions in the ruling coalition over easing one of Europe's most restrictive abortion laws. Under the draft law, people helping to arrange an abortion, for example by providing abortion pills, and doctors performing terminations in the early weeks of pregnancy or due to foetal anomalies would no longer have faced charges.
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The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has announced the defined cases of permissible abortion and their controls and procedures to preserve the pregnant woman’s life.

The Ministry has affirmed that new controls and procedures were issued to define and regulate cases of permissible abortion in the UAE. The new regulation requires abortion requests to be made by a dedicated committee that will be formed within each health authority by a decision of MOHAP or the head of the emirate’s health authority. The Committee should comprise of an obstetrics and gynecology specialist, a psychiatry specialist, and a representative of the Public Prosecution.
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‘It was a wake-up call’: After Roe v. Wade, French lawmakers seek to enshrine abortion rights

When the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, French women were paying close attention. They watched with alarm as those across the Atlantic lost their long-standing right to abortion, seemingly overnight. What if France came next?
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Her body, her choice: Why a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy must be upheld

For abortions within 24 weeks of gestation, there is no legal requirement for pregnant persons to approach courts for permission. Yet, the petitioner in a recent case was forced to approach the Supreme Court, as healthcare providers disregarded her decisional autonomy to terminate her pregnancy.
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New bill introduces world’s most extreme abortion buffer zone law to Scotland

The Catholic Church in Scotland has warned that a draft law concerning buffer zones around abortion clinics would “crush” freedom of expression and religion. The new bill, sponsored by Gillian Mackay, member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP), would make any form of pro-life outreach or demonstration within 200 meters (656 feet) of an abortion clinic illegal, meaning that the new law would be the “most extreme” in the world, according to pro-life organizations.
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