Transgender Rights

Anti-abortion group sends flyers in support of N.B.’s parental rights policies

“A national anti-abortion group that sent out flyers accusing schools of "pushing transgenderism" plans to distribute more material to support Premier Blaine Higgs when he campaigns for re-election this fall.  The flyers from Campaign Life Coalition, which were distributed across New Brunswick, also compare gender-affirming medical care — legal in New Brunswick for those over 18 or with parental permission — to "chemical and surgical mutilation."…”
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Are Maryland prisons out of bounds with federal requirements for trans prisoners?

Nearly a year after formerly incarcerated transgender people testified to Maryland lawmakers about the troubling conditions they faced in state prisons and Baltimore jails, the agency in charge of their care continues to violate federal standards in how it houses trans prisoners, according to a coalition of trans rights advocates.
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Faced with wave of hostile bills, transgender rights leaders are playing ‘a defense game’

For decades, the plotline for LGBTQ+ activism in the U.S. was one of advances — often slow-paced and hard-fought but inexorably moving forward. Now, faced with unprecedented attacks in state legislatures, transgender rights leaders acknowledge they are playing defense — and two of the biggest groups are joining forces to counter the onslaught.
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Nebraska Legislature votes to fold abortion ban into bill banning trans health care for minors

"Conservatives in the Nebraska Legislature got just enough votes Tuesday to fold a proposed 12-week abortion ban into a bill that would ban gender-affirming health for minors. As expected, the debate over the plan was raucous, with lawmakers opposed to the plan sparring angrily with Republican Lt. Gov. Joe Kelly, who presided over the Legislature, and accusing him of trashing legislative rules to help push through the plan. Multiple motions, calls for points of order and motions to overrule the chair stretched what was supposed to be a two-hour process to six hours...."
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Abortion bills gain little traction as Texas Legislature turns its attention to LGBTQ restrictions

"These laws have created confusion, with pregnant Texans and doctors reporting issues with emergency pregnancy care, miscarriage treatment and even getting accurate pregnancy information. Five women filed a lawsuit in March, alleging that they were denied medically necessary abortions due to “widespread confusion among the medical community” about how and when health care workers can provide abortions...." "... While abortion has largely taken a back seat, the Legislature has stayed busy on issues ranging from property taxes to immigration to efforts to ban drag shows and gender-affirming care for trans children...."
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Could ‘single subject rule’ trip up merger of abortion and anti-trans bills?

Nebraska Constitution requires bills to have ‘no more than one subject,’ but the clause is mostly untested in court  "A blockbuster pairing of two controversial bills in the waning days of the 2023 state legislative session has state senators and advocates buzzing. But could a state constitutional requirement that bills contain only a “single subject” trip up the merging of a 12-week ban on abortions into a proposal to ban minors from having gender-affirming surgeries?..."
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Keep legal gender recognition legal in Slovakia

Demand the Slovak government refuse the bill to make legal gender recognition impossible "Transgender people have been able to access legal gender recognition in Slovakia for more than 40 years. The Slovak parliament is now proposing to change the legislation and make gender recognition impossible. They will vote on it in May 2023."
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