
Providers can sue over Arizona ban on abortion for genetic anomalies -court

"A U.S. appeals court on Monday revived a challenge to an Arizona law banning abortions from being performed solely because the fetus has a genetic abnormality. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that a group of healthcare providers can sue the state over the law because they are harmed by it, reversing a lower court ruling. The panel did not address the merits of the challenge, finding only that the providers are entitled to pursue it in court...."
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Pritzker launches abortion rights group Think Big America

CHICAGO — Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker launched a national nonprofit group focused on protecting and expanding abortion rights in states across the country, part of a broader mission of “combating far-right extremism. Https://
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Abortion rights activists set their sights on Arizona after Ohio win

"A top progressive group wants to build on the huge success Democrats are having with abortion-related ballot initiatives — this time in Arizona. Fresh off their 14-point victory in Ohio on Tuesday, progressive groups are eyeing the Southwest battleground state as the next place to ensure abortion rights after the fall of Roe v. Wade. Arizona currently bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy...."
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An illegal abortion killed my great-great-grandmother. A century later, what’s changed?

"In 1921, my great-great-grandmother Anna died because abortions were illegal.  She got pregnant — with her 11th child — when she was 40 years old, a full-time homemaker, married to a produce peddler in New York City.... I’m 16 years old, a junior in high school, looking to the not-so-distant future in which I’ll be attending college far from home. What if I were to get pregnant against my will? What if I were to get pregnant in my teens, without the means of raising a child? My story is different. I am frightened by what might happen to me...."
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Arizona governor asked to rescind executive order limiting prosecution of abortion-related cases

"Twelve of Arizona’s 15 county attorneys are calling for Gov. Katie Hobbs to rescind her recent executive order that limits them from prosecuting abortion-related cases. “The governor’s office should not interfere with the discretion of prosecutors in fulfilling their duties as elected officials,” said the attorneys’ letter sent to Hobbs late Monday. “Whether this was the intended purpose, the result is an unnecessary and unjustified impingement on the duties and obligations of elected county attorneys in Arizona.”...."
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Arizona governor signs executive order to protect abortion rights

"Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs announced an executive order on Friday that protects abortion rights within the state one year after the Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization decision. Abortion is generally legal before 15 weeks in Arizona under a law passed by former Governor Doug Ducey. According to the announcement, the order “centralizes” all abortion-related prosecutions under the attorney general. Additionally, the order directs state agencies not to assist in investigations relating to reproductive health care that would be legal in Arizona. The order also states that Arizona will decline extradition requests from other states seeking to prosecute abortion services. Lastly, the order establishes the Governor’s…
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