
Senate Dems block GOP’s first abortion bill

“A GOP-led abortion bill failed in the Senate due to Democratic opposition on Wednesday, a sign of where the party is drawing the line on bipartisan cooperation. After a week marked by Senate Democrats’ willingness to work with their Republican counterparts on both an immigration bill and confirming former Sen. Marco Rubio as secretary of State, every Democrat voted against legislation that would “prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.”…”
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Harris backs ending filibuster for abortion rights legislation

"Kamala Harris is calling for changes to Senate procedure to pass federal legislation protecting abortion rights. Harris voiced support for ending the 60-vote threshold needed to advance most legislation in the Senate, commonly known as the filibuster, during an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio that aired Tuesday...."
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Dominican Republic’s Senate Doubles Down on Abortion Ban in Criminal Code

"A deeply problematic bill for a new Criminal Code is now approaching final approval in the Dominican Republic's Senate. The bill, which the Senate approved on first review on June 26, maintains the country's complete ban on abortion. It also reduces penalties for sexual violence within marriage, classified as ‘non-consensual sexual activity,’ and continues to exclude sexual orientation from the list of characteristics protected from discrimination, thus failing to afford equal protection to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The Dominican Republic is one of only five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that maintains a total prohibition on abortion and imposes incarceration for women and…
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Local businesses encourage lawmakers to keep veto of new NC abortion bill

"Local businesses gathered in hopes of encouraging lawmakers to keep the veto of Senate Bill 20 and they say will save business. David Meeker invited some of his business colleagues outside of his business Trophy Brewing Monday to encourage the veto of the abortion ban bill...."
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Nikki Haley: Federal abortion ban is unrealistic

"Instituting a federal abortion ban is not “realistic,” Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Sunday. “I’m not going to lie to the American people. Nothing’s going to happen if we don’t get 60 votes in the Senate. We’re not even close to that on the Republican or the Democrat side.” Haley said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” when pressed about what kind of limits on abortion she would seek if elected president...."
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