
Doctors Are Leaving Conservative States to Learn to Perform Abortions. We Followed One.

“…The doctor, who specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics, came to be in that exam room thousands of miles from home because in 2022, the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade had rolled back access to abortion in her state. Though abortion training was not required in her specialties, she had long wanted to learn how to perform the procedure. But the new rules in her state — which went through years of litigation — dramatically reduced access to that training. Also, because abortions and miscarriages often require identical surgical procedures and drugs, the doctor would have fewer opportunities to practice the skills…
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Abortion access could be in jeopardy as Chicago Abortion Fund, others run short of mone

"Abortion took center stage during the Democratic National Convention, and Illinois was celebrated for welcoming thousands of women needing care since access has vanished across much of the Midwest and the South. But funds that are essential for many traveling to Illinois and other states for abortions — paying for their flights, hotels, child care and the abortions — are running out of money. Providers and advocates say that’s putting access to reproductive medical care in jeopardy...."
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What states are voting on abortion ballot measures in 2024?

The following table provides a list of abortion-related measures that are on the ballot in 2024: StateDateMeasureDescriptionColoradoNov. 5, 2024Right to Abortion Initiative• Provide a constitutional right to abortion in the state constitution and allow the use of public funds for abortionFloridaNov. 5, 2024Florida Amendment 4• Provide a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability, which is estimated to be around 24 weeks, or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare providerMarylandNov. 5, 2024Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment• Amend the Maryland Constitution to establish a right to reproductive freedom, defined to include "decisions to prevent, continue, or end…
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Tennessee Abortion Allies Fight Trafficking Ban for Minors

A new Tennessee law that criminalizes a wide range of conduct intended to help pregnant minors get legal abortions in other states without their parents’ consent is unconstitutional, a group of abortion allies says. SisterReach Inc. and (Chicago based ) Midwest Access Coalition Inc. sued Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti (R) and various district prosecuting attorneys on Thursday in the US District Court for the Western District of Tennessee, seeking to have the law declared invalid and to bar potential future prosecutions against them. .
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CT sees 150% increase in people coming from out of state for abortion care, officials say

"Connecticut has seen an influx of people coming from out of state to get an abortion in the two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, leaving thousands of people without access to the necessary reproductive and abortion care, officials said. In 2023, there was about a 60 percent increase in people coming to Connecticut for an abortion, while this year saw a 150 percent increase, said Dr. Nancy Stanwood, chief medical officer at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England...."
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Parole and probation rules limit travel. That can be complicated for people seeking abortions.

"In the two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, the number of patients forced to seek out-of-state abortion services has doubled. Fourteen states have total abortion bans, three more restrict abortions after six weeks — before most people know they are pregnant — and two others limit them after the first trimester.  One population often overlooked in reproductive rights conversations are people under community supervision, also known as probation and parole, which often prohibits travel across state lines without government approval. A new briefing by the public policy think tank Prison Policy Initiative puts these challenges into context for a country without…
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The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has announced the defined cases of permissible abortion and their controls and procedures to preserve the pregnant woman’s life.

The Ministry has affirmed that new controls and procedures were issued to define and regulate cases of permissible abortion in the UAE. The new regulation requires abortion requests to be made by a dedicated committee that will be formed within each health authority by a decision of MOHAP or the head of the emirate’s health authority. The Committee should comprise of an obstetrics and gynecology specialist, a psychiatry specialist, and a representative of the Public Prosecution.
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Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows

Isabella Rosario Blum was wrapping up medical school and considering residency programs to become a family practice physician when she got some frank advice: If she wanted to be trained to provide abortions, she shouldn't stay in Arizona. Blum turned to programs mostly in states where abortion access — and, by extension, abortion training — is likely to remain protected, like California, Colorado and New Mexico. Arizona has enacted a law banning most abortions after 15 weeks.
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After Roe, the network of people who help others get abortions see themselves as ‘the underground’

Waiting in a long post office line with the latest shipment of “abortion aftercare kits,” Kimra Luna got a text. A woman who’d taken abortion pills three weeks earlier was worried about bleeding — and disclosing the cause to a doctor.
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With Florida and Arizona bans looming, money’s getting tight for abortion travel funders

With Florida set to enforce a six-week abortion ban as early as May 1 and a near-total prohibition taking effect soon after in Arizona, staffers at abortion funds say they won’t be able to meet the increased demand for help funding out-of-state travel — a development that could lead to more people continuing unintended pregnancies.
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Florida’s strict laws make Latin America a potential destination to get an abortion

With the Florida Supreme Court upholding the state’s new stricter abortion ban, pregnant women in Florida — especially those in South Florida — may soon head to countries in Latin America, where several countries have legalized the procedure, a reproductive health expert told WLRN on Friday.
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No One Could Say: Accessing Emergency Obstetrics Information as a Prospective Prenatal Patient in Post-Roe Oklahoma

In the wake of the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Oklahoma residents are currently living under three overlapping and inconsistent state abortion bans that, if violated, impose severe civil and criminal penalties on health care providers.
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Dozens of Police Agencies in California Are Still Sharing Driver Locations with Anti-Abortion States. We’re Fighting Back.

Automatic license plate readers collect and store highly sensitive information that can reveal where we work, live, worship, or seek reproductive health services. Sharing any ALPR information with out-of-state or federal law enforcement agencies has been forbidden in California since 2016.
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